TPAN's Statement On Donald Trump's Acquittal In Second Impeachment


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Texas Progressive Action Network issues the following statement following the 57-43 Senate vote to acquit Donald Trump of the charge of incitement of insurrection in his second impeachment trial: 

Austin, TX - “What we allow is what will continue. This is said to be true of toxic situations, it is true of attacks on democracy and it is true of the violence of white supremacy.

“On Jan 6th, an angry mob stormed the Capitol to try to overturn the will of the people. They were incited by a then sitting president who had spread conspiracy and disinformation to try to invalidate a lawful election he did not win.

“As voters we stood up and demanded accountability and justice for the attack not just on our institutions and nation's lawmakers but for the ongoing attack on our vote. We demanded justice because sadly, that attack is something we're still fending off even in this very hour.

“State legislatures across the country are readying their attacks on our vote in the form of legislation that barely hides the suppression it would produce at the ballot box. The birth of these latest legislative efforts can absolutely be traced back to the campaign of disinformation that former President Donald Trump engaged in. Just like the attack on January 6th.

“While today's conclusion was decidedly not the justice we hoped for, we will push forward to make sure that our place in democracy holds.”

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Texas Progressive Action Network