TPAN Supports Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act

Texas Progressive Action Network joined with 231 other organizations of national and state levels to urge members of Congress to cosponsor S.4360/H.R.7848, the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act.

This legislation would divert federal funding away from school-based law enforcement and toward evidence-based and trauma-informed services that create positive learning environments.

We believe in restoring learning environments as police free zones and the work that many advocates and youth leaders have been doing for years on this issue is finally being met with substantive policy shifts in cities and towns across the nation.

For too long, the presence of school-based law enforcement has come at the expense of personnel and services that create safe, healthy, and inclusive school climates. We join our allies in urging policymakers to help ensure that our most vulnerable students are able to attend schools with supportive professionals who can build these positive learning environments, free from school-based law enforcement and the school to prison pipeline.

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

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