TPAN Signs On: Elections Must Proceed While States Protect Public Health

We support a democratic process that marches forward - visit the statement TPAN signed on to below --

The co-chairs of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ Voting Rights Task Force and other organizations, including Texas Progressive Action Network, issued the following statement on the state of Louisiana’s decision to postpone its presidential primary, originally scheduled for April 4, until June 20 —

From the statement: “The November election is quickly approaching, and it is imperative that the federal government provide the necessary funding and guidance for states to prepare and ensure there are no barriers to the ballot due to COVID-19. All states should have contingency plans in place for additional voting options for the general election that will be held on November 3. Under no circumstances should the November general election be canceled or postponed, as that date is mandated by federal law. Our democracy and our elections have endured in other times of crisis, and we shall again.”

See the full statement below:

Visit: Over 100 Voting Rights Groups: Elections Must Proceed While States Protect Public Health

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