S. 1 - The For The People Act Is Introduced In The Senate

Following the introduction of S.1, the For the People Act in the U.S. Senate, Texas Progressive Action Network President Valerie Street issues the following statement:

“We applaud the U.S. Senate for introducing S. 1, the For the People Act, because this democracy reform package will expand and protect our freedom to vote, bring an end to partisan and racial gerrymandering, get dark money out of politics, and it will ultimately strengthen transparency and accountability in our government. A strong majority of Americans, including people from all sides of the political spectrum, support the For The People Act and so it is time that we make it the law of the land.

“Through this landmark piece of legislation, we can begin to realize the true promise of our democracy—a multiracial, inclusive government that can best serve us all.” - Valerie Street, President of Texas Progressive Action Network

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


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