TPAN Joins Groups To Urge Governor To Drop Anti-Voter Proclamation

Texas Progressive Action Network has joined a coalition led up by Texas Civil Rights Project, of 43 other voting and civil rights groups, to urge Governor Abbott to reverse the proclamation he issued on October 1st that jeopardizes vote by mail for the many eligible Texas voters all across our state.

A policy that would limit counties to just one mail-in ballot drop-off spot will most certainly disproportionately hurt Texas voters residing in some of our most populated counties.

For more, please see: Abbott orders counties to close multiple ballot drop-off sites

He is also allowing political parties to install poll watchers to observe the process, a move that may only make way for voter intimidation efforts that also impact Texans and their access to the ballot box.

We stand opposed to this order and you can see our statement HERE.

We will continue to advocate for the Texas vote and work to make sure that every voter has access to the resources they need to be an informed voter on Election Day.

See the full letter to the Governor below —

Be sure to see our Vote Safe Texas advisory here.

Sign up to help #ProtectOurVote HERE!

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

Texas Progressive Action Network

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